Lip balm is the easiest skincare/beauty product to make. If you’re just starting out your DIY skincare journey, this is the place to start. All you need is some beeswax (preferably the pellets, they simplify the process) and some oil. You can play around the the quantities depending on whether you prefer it firm or soft. Start with extra virgin olive oil, it’s an excellent moisturiser and has healing properties. Use a 1:1 ratio of olive oil and beeswax, melt the beeswax down in a double boiler or microwave, mix in EVOO, pour into a small container and allow to cool.

You can then try adding different ingredients and playing around with the quantities. The firmer your oil (eg coconut oil/ shea butter) the less beeswax you’ll use. Jojoba and coconut oil are another two ingredients I love to use.

I’ve made many lip balms and love this one. The great thing about making your own products is that you can decide what goes into it, you can tweak it to suit you and you can make sure there are no nasties in it.


1 teaspoon Beeswax pellets (or grated) – This creates a later of protection on your lips to seal in moisture.

1 tbls Shea butter – very moisturising, great for healing sore lips.

1 tsp almond oil – revitalises, soothes, moisturised, evens lip colour and the vit B2 treats cracked corners.

1 tsp raw honey – amazing ingredient which protects, heals, revitalises and moisturises. It’s anibacterial and inflammatory properties even help remove scars.

1 tsp extra virgin olive oil – Extra virgin has a high concentration of antioxidants which is good for healing, it’s also an excellent moisturiser.

10 drops vit E – protects lips and skin from sun damage and has anti ageing properties

3 drops peppermint essential oil – adds a great flavour and has healing properties.


Gently heat the beeswax and Shea butter in a double boiler or use a bowl over saucepan with boiling water in it. Remove from heat and wipe the outside of the bowl, you don’t want to get any water in your lip balm as it can go mouldy. Add the rest of your ingredients, mix and quickly transfer to your clean and dry lip balm container. Allow to cool.
I use the little breakfast glass jam jars from the hotel I work at. They would otherwise go in the bin, you could probably enquire at your local hotel.

Enjoy X

4 thoughts on “DIY Healing Lip Balm

    1. Hi! A few months, I’m not sure exactly, not as long as commercial brands as there are no preservatives. It will separate if stored at high temperature (I left my bag in the sun and the honey was oozing out-don’t do that), but otherwise I’ve never had any issues. Let me know how it turns out.


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